Sunday, December 23, 2012

christmas and whomas

Its almost Christmas and that means so many things. Its one of the few times when my whole family gets together and we do the family thing. My middle sister and I have a movie Marathon of our fav movies and we add some Christmas movies to the mix. As we have gotten older, we are finding it harder to stay up late but we still make an attempt to try and beat last years hour.

Christmas would not be complete without the doctor who christmas special aka whomas! It also a fun show and a great way to reconnect with my friends across the pound. It also brings so many people together and gives a nice break to the craziness that is the Holiday season. 

This year i was so excited for froggy to finally be able to join in my family's Christmas craziness but sadly he has to work, so we are going to make the best of it, but its kinda a bummer because the family wont be complete this holiday season. Thankfully there is news to look forward too and of course we will have next Christmas!  

The other great thing about Christmas is all of the holiday party's and get together with family friends and to remember that Christ birth is the true reason for the season. Its a time to give thanks and praise for all the good and bad of the past year. To give thanks to the Lord for all that he has done and left undone for growth in the coming year!

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