Thursday, April 25, 2019


One night in mid October before bed I felt a migraine coming on, no big deal as I've been dealing with migraines most of life. Took some meds and went to bed. The next morning the migraine was still there and is still here. That is right Y'all the migraine I keep talking about is the same one I've had since October. It hasn't left, it's just dulled.

The best way I can describe it is like I have a swarm of Bees living in my head. When the neds kick in the bees are just buzzing around annoying but can deal with. Once the meds wear off, it's like bees wake up and start stinging (Not fun and so painfully ).  Sone days once the Bees wake up it's hard deal to, yes they're are even tears but that's what my life has been since October and why this blog has been collecting dust!

I'm still here

Just a quick update, sorry  that the blog has gone quite for a bit as I'm still dealing with my never ending migraine! We saw the neurologist yesterday and determined that med dose increases was in order. Also found out that dairy products are a migraine trigger, so I'm now going dairy free full time.